So the majority of people in the United States are familiar with the tradition of making a New Year's Resolution, usually something like losing weight, staying more organized, getting a better job, going to a good college, or quitting a bad habit. Most people make one resolution, and very few of them actually maintain or achieve their resolutions. Until last year, I was the same way. By February 1st, I had forgotten what I'd promised myself I would do. BUT NOT ANYMORE!
Last New Year's Eve, exactly a year ago today,I was feeling particularly motivated and I made an entire list of resolutions. Since I'm currently bored out of my mind and I need to think of a new list for 2012, I figured I'd share my resolutions with you :)
School-Related Things:
1. Get straight A's for sophomore year
Yes, I did get straight A's, thank you very much. Hello, number 6 in the sophomore class ranking ;)
2. Get at least one perfect SOL test.
Yes, I did. My World History 2 SOL. I guess that's what happens when you have an awesome teacher who is in the Army.
3. Start off junior year with straight A's for the first quarter
*sigh* No. I came pretty close though! AP Physics just kinda killed me. I had a 90 Bright at the end of the quarter. So close, it killed me.
4. Miss no homework assignments
Yes, of course! Although I've had an incredible amount to do, I haven't missed a single homework assignment.
Band-Related Things:
1. Be first-chair in Wind Ensemble percussion
At the end of last year, when we had Wind Ensemble re-auditions, Yes, I was first chair.However, during chair placement this fall, my friend Caleb beat me, so I'm back to second chair again. But I kicked his butt at All-District auditions, so it's ok. We're even.
2. Make a higher chair than 7th (my chair last year) in All-District band
HELL YEAH I DID. I kicked some serious butt and moved up to SECOND CHAIR this year. 2nd!!!! And that's not because a bunch of people graduated or anything. I mean, some did. But I jumped over a bunch of the people who were ahead of me last year. So I have actually improved alot.
3. Make a higher chair than 4th in All-County Band
OH YEAH BABY I'm first in the County W00T!
4. Learn more 4-mallet music
Yes, I played a fantastic piece called Rain Dance by Alice Gomez for a small ensembles' concert in the spring, and I learned an entirely new 4-mallet technique (I was previously playing crossgrip, now I know Stephen's as well)
Other Random Things:
1. Get better at driving (boat and car)
Despite the fact that I still don't have my Driver's License, I have improved a bit. So yes.
2. Finish Nature Wall
Ok, background story time. If you go here you will see the song from Discovery Channel about all of the awesome things about the world. I had the magnificent idea to illustrate each line and hang them in the rough shape of the world on the wall above my bed. I finished a total of 7 of the lines. In a year and a half. And they look awesome! But I'm tired of trying. So no, I did not finish the wall. But I do have a back-up plan. I received a super-awesome Periodic Table of the Elements puzzle for Christmas (thanks Grams and Grandpa!), which my boyfriend and I have already completed. The puzzle glue is drying as I type this. I plan to hang it on my wall, and surround it with the few Discovery illustrations I have. Maybe I'll even draw a few more. So I did not finish the Nature Wall, I improved it.
3. Start a Bucket List
Well.....mentally I did....ok fine. No I did not. Maybe in a blog post.....?
4. Read more Classic Books
YES INDEED! Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, every Sherlock Holmes story ever written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robinson Crusoe.....
5. Expand music collection
Yes. And you don't want me to list all that XD Let's just say it's a ton of nerd music, Hank Green stuff, Spyro the Dragon soundtracks, and the occasional musical.
6. Attempt to participate in NaNoWriMo 2011
Ehhhhhh.......honestly....I didn't realize it was NaNoWriMo time until I was actually Thanksgiving. So no. My bad.
7. Maintain my journal
Yes, I did. I have managed to write about everything this year (I like to write things down so I can remember my life when I'm old. Y'know, like 30 XD) I didn't write as often as I wish I had, so I did a lot of massive journal entries. But Yes, I did write.
8. Keep control of fitness and health, even once gym is over
Yeah I did. Thank you, karate. BAZINGA.
9. Try to understand who I am better and what I want to do with my life
YES I DID. I have discovered officially that my passion is for math and science. I am no longer hovering between being a chemistry major and an english major/artist. And I have quit boxing myself in to just chemistry as well. I have branched out a ton. And I love it.
10. Dive into and express the things I love
Yes, I have definitely been diving into my nerd culture this year XD
11. Clear my heart and get over my fear of love
This.......I don't remember writing this resolution. But it is oddly accurate. And yes, I did achieve it, completely on accident, since I forgot that I promised myself to do so. So yay me! <3
12. Collect more kougras *blushes*
Ok, I know. Neopets. Seriously. I did make a resolution about it. And yes I did achieve it.....9 times over XD
13. BE HAPPIER. Find what makes me happy and express it.
Well I don't know about you, blog reader, whoever you are. But I consider myself to be considerably happier than I was at any point last year. So there. Yes.
14. Really think about my friends and distance myself from the ones who aren't my true friends.
Yes, I have effectively done this. I have a good sense of who is truly there for me and who is just there because they want someone to talk to/ want me to help them with their math homework or proof read their essays.Which is fine. I don't mind helping people. That's what nerds do. It's just good that I know who I can trust.
15. Try new things.
Yes, oh my gosh. So many things. Pad Thai, new movies (Phantom of the Opera, Edward Scizzorhands, the last Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean 4, 50 First Dates, TGI Fridays, participating in theater tech, Five Guys, Cookout Drivethru, all of the classic books I listed above, lots of fiction books, wakeboarding........I could go on for ages.
16. No more self-confidence issues.
Ok, fine. No.
17. Analyze the things I see, hear, or read. Have my own opinions and support them.
I wouldn't say I have a super-defined opinion about everything now, but I definitely know how to analyze things better now and I can support the opinions I have. So yes.
18. Set regular goals (every week or so) and at least TRY to reach them
YEAH. You should see my school agenda. It's packed with stuff. Up in the margins and everything.
19. Compose a 2010 reflection list
Haha, yes. I did that within the first week of the year. And then I put the list inside one of those sphere puzzles for safekeeping, like a time capsule, just not buried. Yup.
20. Be less stressed. Know how to say no when I already have too much to do already (aka manage time better)
Well......I'm pretty darned stressed out. But I have gotten better at managing time. So I'm going to say yes.
21. Make new memories.
So Many memories. Yes.
So that's my 2011! Not bad, 24/29. Here's to a fantastic 2012!
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