So I've noticed, especially since I've been back at school, that I unintentionally act differently when I'm around different friends. I'm not the only one who does this, I've noticed my friends' personalities change based on who is present as well.
For example, around my best friend that I've known since first grade, I can be open and not worry about whether I'm being judged because we know everything about each other and nothing will ever break up our friendship. Around her, I'm a follower, most of the time. We do alot of relaxing and talking and making bracelets and listening to classic rock and singing in the car on the way to the mall to share a box of delicious honey chicken. We run pointless errands just for somewhere to go, go to extremes just to properly embarrass each other, and don't mind helping with the less-exciting tasks, like cleanup after a Halloween party (ohmygod I love Halloween so much I can't wait!) or organizing rooms or school shopping.
When I'm around @MegginLovett (or Twitter in general), I'm a full-fledged 24/7 slap-things-with-a-fish Harry Potter-loving musical-singing overenthusiastic and occasionally crazy Nerdfighter. When I'm with my family, I tend to be quieter, and logical, and in general just calmer and less exciting. With my karate friends, I am powerful, experienced, mysterious, looked up to; whatever a disciplined karate teacher should be. With some friends, I'm stoic and listen passively rather than talk, and with some I'm the center of attention, cracking jokes and laughing constantly.
Books Read: 27